With TEST & DISCOVER you have a clean well lighted place for all your valuable data, combined with the intelligence to do something amazing with it. Don’t waste time with machine learning projects that are doomed from the start. With our forward design methodology, you will have the data needed to optimize your products with the most advanced technology available. Statistical significance is built in starting with DESIGN and systematic errors are controlled or entirely eliminated with BUILD. Now with TEST & DISCOVER you can close the loop and learn by doing.


Data is how you win. Data forms the foundation upon which knowledge is built. All too often, data is scattered and isolated in places that make it hard to find and difficult to use. The TEST module provides a connected resource that acquires data from analytic and monitoring equipment and brings it together, links it to your design-build process, transforms it and makes it ready for analysis, predictive modeling, and machine learning. A single repository of data and a set of unified workflows and parsers facilitate standardized data collection and storage of processed biologically interpretable data. Standardization facilitates comparison of experiments over time and provides a unified source of very high value data. The TEST module generates standardized output files and provides a RESTful API so your data scientists can hook right in via Jupyter Notebooks, R, MatLab(r) or any other analysis platform of choice.


Data isn’t your only asset. Your skilled team is the best in the world at what they do with decades of accumulated expertise. With the DISCOVER module, teams can combine their knowledge and technical data with AI algorithms built to understand biology — leading to new, high performance bio based products faster than ever before. Our AI models are built and refined iteratively using powerful methods from Deep Learning, allowing you to converge on an optimal product ten times faster then using traditional approaches. Models that learn by doing and just keep getting smarter and smarter can be deployed on-site and used over and over again via the DISCOVER module.

Are you an academic group? A startup? An enterprise?

Don’t worry, we have something for everyone. Schedule a demo today.